Tomato Cart Second Variant Problem

Tomato Cart has a second problem in the Variant area. (See the first problem here.) It is possible to accidentally delete your variant content for a product with variants. There is a fix. I will first describe the problem, then the fix.

Normal/expected scenario: In the administration area …

  1. You create a variant (ex. states: Denver, California)
  2. You create a product with the variant states.
  3. You create variations for Denver and California, filling in the values for image, cost, SKU, etc.
  4. You go in to change a value for either variant of the product (perhaps the Denver variant).
  5. You press save and continue, and the following happens:
    1. Waiting message comes up on screen
    2. Waiting message goes away indicating the save is complete, your information is displaying
    3. Moments later your variant information clears and
    4. The system reprints your updated data from the database, it looks as before the clearing of the variant data.

That is the normal scenario. Now imagine, you do step 5, pressing step and continue. Your administration area reaches step 5b, the waiting message vanishes and you think everything is done. You accidentally or intentionally hit save and continue again about 2 seconds after the waiting message vanished … before the variant information vanishes. 80-90% of the time, your variant data will be deleted. (Note, the 2 second number can change as a result of your computer or internet activity. Sometimes this can be 10 or more seconds.) You may have hit the save and continue for a number of reasons (1) You are not sure there was a save, (2) You think things are done saving, you change something and hit save, or (3) other reasons. You may loose your data.

If this problem happens to you, you can fix this problem. Go to file /admin/includes/extmodules/products/products_dialog.php … line 198. Comment out the line as follows …

// this.pnlImages.grdImages.getStore().on(‘load’, onDsImagesLoad, this);

This should solve your problem in version Tomato Cart. Hopefully, this problem will be corrected in the next revision of Tomato Cart.



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